Friday, April 6, 2007

"Central Michigan" & "Snowbird1488"

Continuing this apparent fad with being fucking horse's ass-ugly, here we have two bloated white supremacists whose StormFront love blossomed into a putrid marriage.

I feel sorry for the tux. Anyway, these hideous clowns go by the monickers "Central Michigan" (for the guy) and "Snowbird1488" (for the girl). The girl's name is Jessica.

Their wedding took place at the "Faith and Freedom Conference" near Harrison, Arkansas, on April 1st of 2007. The couple presumably live together in Central Michigan. Funny, I remember hearing about a small earthquake in Michigan in the early hours of April 2nd.. it's a wonder how these two sacks of flesh could consumate their despicable union, but I believe they owe the state of Michigan several thousand dollars in damages.

As usual, more info is appreciated.


D_pplehak_n said...

We will be watching you everywhere! 1488

Nazi Watch USA said...

Oh noes! Its the nazi boogyman!

Get a life.
