Thursday, April 5, 2007

Nazi Watch USA

Welcome to Nazi Watch USA!

This blog has been created to connect and co-ordinate sightings of neo-nazi, skinhead, white nationalist and other racist activity. We'll do our best to organize the blog to be as easy to navigate as possible. To look for any boneheads in your area simply search for your city or state (search functions should be at the very top of the page).

To put forward information on any racists, skinheads, neo-nazis or other Shitler-loving douche-bags, simply email us at: Make sure to include as much detail as possible!

Thanks for your time, and happy hunting!

1 comment:

SaraJoelson said...

Thanks for your time, and happy hunting!
This comment should be removed as hunting is a sport of violence that ends in killing. I would recommend removing this statment as it seems that your encouraging people to hunt out Nazi's that you have claimed to be Nazi's and that I am having a hard time on some finding factual evidence.